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Here are the best times to post on social media in 2022 [for serious business growth]

We know, you know, everyone knows – social media is one of the most effective ways to grow your business online. We also know that posting whatever you like [I see you, cute cat lying in the sun pic] and whenever you like is less effective than Trump’s tanning facial moisturiser. 

On average, internet users around the globe spend 2 hours and 27 minutes on social media every day – especially in countries with younger populations [no surprise there]. In fact, in Nigeria, the average is over four hours per day! 

There’s no doubt that your audience is ready and waiting for you and, for those that use the latest [and always changing] data to inform their strategy, social media can be a goldmine for high-converting leads.

So what’s the best time to post on social media for your business?

According to HubSpot’s latest social media report, Facebook is the most used social media platform, with the highest ROI [return on investment]. They also found that short-form video content performs really well, funny and interactive content is popular and a massive 52% of social marketers use TikTok.

When it comes to the best time to post, they discovered that, for Instagram: 

  • Between 6pm and 9pm was the best time to post.
  • The best day to post is on a Saturday for B2C brands and Friday for B2B.
  • The worst times to post are between 6am and 9am, 9pm and midnight and noon to 3pm.


And for Facebook:

  • Between 6pm and 9pm was the best time to post [same as Instagram].
  • The best day to post is on a Saturday and the worst day is on a Monday.
  • The worst times to post are between 6am and 9am, 9pm and midnight and noon to 3pm [again, the same as Instagram].


For LinkedIn:

  • Between 6pm and 9pm was the best time to post [yep, same again].
  • The best day to post is on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays.
  • The lowest performing posts on LinkedIn are posted on Mondays and Fridays.


Finally, for TikTok:

  • Between 6pm and 9pm was the best time to post [more of the same here].
  • The best day to post is on a Saturday and Sunday for B2C brands and Thursday for B2B.
  • The worst day to post on TikTok is Tuesday.


Creating a posting schedule for your business

As with every single other digital marketing activity, you’ll see the most success when you avoid doing it ‘whenever you feel like it’, and when you plan ahead and then measure your results. Posting at random times means ignoring the social media data out there and will essentially create a social media success lottery. Will you win this time? Who knows?

What you need to grow your social media presence [and therefore your business] is to be strategic. If you don’t have enough social media data about your specific audience yet, use the above times as a guide. Once you start posting consistently, you can then collect and analyse your data and figure out when your audience is most active on what platform. 

You can also start tailoring your content types to what your customers love. Do they respond really well to videos posted at 4am or reports posted at 5pm? Your audience is unique and the more you get to know them, the more likely you are to keep them happy [and reel more in].

Want to grow your business? Call in the experts

Need a hand with your social media strategy? Our digital marketing agency is here to help you grow your business – whether you need help with social media, SEO, PPC or any other digital marketing acronym you can think of.Call us today 1300 883 986


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