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Honest SEO Services

Accelerate traffic growth with our SEO agency

Hey there, welcome to 3 Phase Marketing, an award-winning marketing agency that specialises in you. 




Unlike some agencies that promise quick fixes or resort to black-hat tactics, we prioritize long-term, sustainable growth for your online presence. Our team is committed to providing you with clear insights into our processes, ensuring you understand the steps we’re taking to enhance your digital footprint. We believe that trust is earned through integrity, and we strive to earn that trust by delivering measurable results and acting with honesty and transparency every step of the way.

Search Engine Optimization: 3 Phase Marketing

Unleash the power of SEO to elevate your online success with us today.

As more and more businesses establish a solid online presence, competition continues to rise across all industries, including yours! This is where SEO comes into play as a crucial player. Numerous variables and factors determine whether a website ranks on the first page of Google search results. 3 Phase Marketing specialises in providing the greatest SEO solutions to raise your website’s visibility, traffic, and rankings!

Our highly-skilled SEO specialist team is committed to enhancing your online presence and ensuring your company stands out in search engine results. With our personalised SEO Services, you can stay ahead of your competitors and realise the full potential of your online business. 

Clients: 3 Phase Marketing

170 + Successful clients


Loved by Australian Business Owners

How do we compare to other marketing agencies?

Benefits of working with 3PM 3PM Other Agencies
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31+ Long term employees tick false
In house design, digital, web and strategy tick false

What is SEO?

So, what is SEO? Well, Search Engine Optimisation is the foundation of a successful online presence. In a digital world saturated with websites, SEO is the key to standing out and reaching your target audience. It involves optimising your website and content to improve your visibility and rank in search engine results.

By leveraging effective SEO strategies, you can attract organic traffic, enhance user experience, and boost your website’s credibility. From optimising on-page elements to building quality backlinks, SEO empowers your business to rise above the competition and drive valuable organic traffic that converts into customers. So, don’t let your website get lost in the vast online landscape – harness the power of SEO and unlock your website’s full potential.



Marketing Agency: 3 Phase Marketing
Content Strategy: 3 Phase Marketing

To keep things simple, we all know we are in a digital era, so having a solid online presence is essential for businesses of any and all sizes. SEO plays a crucial role in ensuring your website is discoverable by search engines and visible to your target audience. Investing in SEO can gain a competitive edge and reap numerous benefits.

SEO drives organic traffic, meaning people actively search for products or services like yours. It boosts your website’s visibility, helping you rank higher in search engine results and stand out from competitors. SEO also enhances user experience, making your website faster, more user-friendly, and easier to navigate. SEO will also build credibility and trust with search engines and users, as higher rankings are associated with authority and relevance. Don’t miss out on SEO’s immense opportunities – make it a priority in your marketing strategy and watch your business flourish.

Learn: About the biggest SEO challenges.



How does SEO work?

SEO is a multifaceted process involving various strategies and techniques to improve your website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results. 

At its core, SEO works by knowing how search engines scan and index websites to determine their relevance to specific search queries. By optimising different elements of your website, such as on-page content, meta tags, URL structure, and site architecture, you can signal to search engines that your website is authoritative, relevant, and trustworthy. 

Additionally, SEO conducts extensive keyword research to identify and determine the terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching for similar products and services. By incorporating these keywords strategically into your content, you can attract organic traffic that is more likely to convert into customers. 

SEO also encompasses off-page optimisation, including link building and online reputation management, to further enhance your website’s visibility and credibility. The continuous monitoring and analysis of your SEO efforts allow for ongoing refinement and optimisation, ensuring that your website stays competitive and adapts to changing search engine algorithms. With a comprehensive and tailored SEO strategy in action, you can increase your business website visibility, drive traffic, and ultimately achieve long-term success in the digital landscape.

Learn: 6 things you need to know about SEO.



Lead Generation Services: 3 Phase Marketing

Claim your free SEO audit and gain these powerful insights

Performance Evaluation

Assess the effectiveness of current marketing strategies, identifying strengths and weaknesses.

ROAS Review

Asses budget allocation by analysing the return on investment (ROI) of different marketing channels.

Customer Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of your digital customers journey and how it aligns to your marketing outcomes.

Competitive Positioning

Conduct a competitive analysis to identify opportunities and threats, to see the gap between you and market leaders.


We will provide you with top line ideas of how you can accelerate your business growth and achieve your business goals.



The benefits of powerful SEO

Increased organic visibility and traffic

SEO assists businesses in improving their organic keyword rankings in search engine results, leading to increased search visibility and exposure to potential customers. By optimising your website and targeting relevant keywords, you can increase organic traffic from search engine results, which can result in a higher number of qualified leads and potential conversions.

Improved brand credibility and trust

A high ranking in search results signals to users that your website is authoritative and trustworthy. A strong SEO strategy helps build brand credibility by ensuring your website appears prominently for relevant search queries. This visibility fosters trust among users, as they are more likely to consider businesses that appear at the top of search results as reliable and reputable.

Cost-effective SEO marketing strategy

Compared to other forms of digital marketing, SEO can provide a cost-effective long-term solution. While it requires an initial investment of time and resources, SEO’s benefits continue accumulating over time. Unlike paid advertising, which stops generating traffic once the budget is exhausted, SEO efforts can continue to drive organic traffic and result even after the initial optimisation work. 



3PM Case Studies.
This is how we unlocked growth for these clients.

Dr Snip

Dr Snip Organic Traffic: 3 Phase Marketing


Dr Snip’s digital presence needed a boost to help them stand out in a crowded market.


We reworked Dr Snip’s website with SEO optimisation in mind.


e-Commerce retailer

Ecommerce Retailer Traffic Number: 3 Phase Marketing


Our client is restricted from using Meta paid ads and faced competition from heavyweight retailers.


We focused 1200 specific and high-traffic keywords to capture the most high intent traffic in the market.


Go Salary

SEO Agency Melbourne


Our client needed a very resourceful way to grow their lead generation without the rising cost of ads.


We implemented a laser focused SEO strategy, concentration on long tail keywords that were easy to secure.


Why choose us?

Stand out online and succeed. Partner with us, the unrivalled SEO experts!

At 3 Phase Marketing, we specialise in taking your online presence to new heights. With our unparalleled expertise and proven track record, we create results-driven SEO strategies that make your business shine in the digital landscape.

Expertise and experience

Our business brings together a highly experienced team with deep expertise in SEO. We develop customised strategies based on thorough assessments of client needs and goals, leveraging our knowledge of keyword research, on-page optimisation, technical SEO, content creation, link building, and analytics. With a proven track record and a data-driven approach, we adapt our strategies to industry trends and client feedback. As a result, we continuously refine our methods to drive organic traffic and improve search engine rankings.

Tailored SEO strategies

Our SEO services are all tailored and customised to meet each client's unique needs and goals. We know the real importance of personalising each approach to achieve maximum results that benefit you! Our expert team tailor these strategies by researching each industry & competitor and then making strategies based on accurate analytics that impacts that specific industry.

Results-driven approach

Our business adopts a results-driven approach, prioritising tangible outcomes for our clients. We focus on setting clear goals, implementing data-driven strategies, and regularly analysing performance metrics to ensure measurable success in increased organic traffic, improved search engine rankings, and overall online visibility.

Transparent communication

We believe in transparent communication. This means keeping our clients informed about the progress of their campaigns, and regularly sharing insights, updates, and performance reports to foster trust, collaboration, and a clear understanding of the strategies and tactics employed to achieve their SEO goals.

Conversion Rate Optimization: 3 Phase Marketing

We are one of Australia's most awarded SEO agencies.

We don’t like to brag, but you can explore our collection of awards here.

Experience the expertise and innovation that have propelled us to become one of Australia's top SEO agencies. Our exceptional track record of industry recognition showcases our commitment to delivering outstanding client results. Discover the winning strategies and proven methodologies that have set us apart and solidified our position as the leader in the Australian SEO landscape.

Leading Digital Marketing Agency
Australia's Leading Digital Agency
Leading Marketing Agency
Strategic Marketing Agency
Agency Business Awards
Australia's Leading Marketing Agency
Dr Snip Profile: 3 Phase Marketing

“Just four months after working with 3PM, our traffic increased by 63%, with a 34% revenue uplift”

Nick Demediuk, Dr Snip

In the media

Spotlight on excellence: best SEO agency highlighted in news articles

SEO Agency Melbourne

Back in action: Melbourne founders to gather for prestigious Young Entrepreneur Awards

After two long years, Melbourne’s top young business minds will reunite tonight to network and celebrate their outstanding achievements at the Young Entrepreneur Awards.  

SEO Agency Melbourne

I asked my husband to quit his six-figure job and be a stay-at-home-dad

Tired of trying to balance full-time work and being the default parent to two young sons, Sonia Majkic asked her husband for a massive favour: to quit his job.

SEO Agency Melbourne

Mum-of-three reveals how growing up in poverty helped her build a $25million business in five years

A busy mum-of-three has revealed how she built a $25million marketing empire from scratch after refusing to continue the cycle of poverty she grew up in. 

SEO services

Maximise your online potential with our comprehensive SEO services

Our tailored strategies are designed to align with your specific industry, target audience, and business objectives. By partnering with us you can unlock the full potential of your business’s online presence and stay ahead of the competition in today's confusing digital landscape.

Local SEO

Boost local visibility: ignite your business with localised SEO

With the power of Local SEO, we can enhance and grow the online presence of your business while reaching wider local audiences. In today's digital age, having strong local visibility is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Local SEO strategies enable you to optimise your website and online listings to appear prominently in local search results. By implementing targeted keywords, optimising your business information, and leveraging local directories, you can ensure that your business stands out to potential customers in your area. Don't miss out on valuable local leads and opportunities – ignite your business with our local SEO specialists and watch your visibility soar in local areas.



Local SEO: 3 Phase Marketing
International SEO: 3Phase Marketing

International SEO

Expand your global reach: unlock success with international SEO

We all know our world is interconnected, so reaching a global audience is essential for businesses looking to expand their horizons and target broader audiences. International SEO is the key to unlocking success on a global scale. By implementing effective international SEO strategies, you can optimise your website and online presence to resonate with diverse audiences around the world. From conducting an in-depth SEO keyword analysis to tailoring your content for different regions and languages, international SEO can help you navigate cultural nuances and search engine algorithms to capture the attention of international customers. Whether you're targeting specific countries or aiming for a worldwide presence, international SEO is your passport to expanding your reach and achieving unmatched success.



E-commerce SEO

Drive online sales: optimise your E-commerce success with SEO

Looking to drive your e-commerce success to new heights? With effective SEO strategies, we can optimise your online store and product pages to ensure a higher ranking in search engine results and create more organic traffic. By targeting relevant keywords, optimising product descriptions, and enhancing user experience, you can increase visibility and drive online sales.



E-commerce SEO: 3 Phase Marketing
Enterprise SEO: 3 Phase Marketing

Scale your digital empire: conquer the search rankings with enterprise SEO

Scale your digital empire and establish your dominance in the search rankings with powerful Enterprise SEO strategies. With comprehensive keyword analysis research, advanced technical optimisation, and strategic SEO content marketing, you can take your business to new heights and achieve unparalleled online visibility. Conquer the search rankings and solidify your position as a leader in your industry with Enterprise SEO.



Mobile SEO

Mobile-first success: amplify your reach with mobile SEO

Achieve mobile-first success and amplify your reach with the power of Mobile SEO. In today's mobile-driven world, optimising your website and content for mobile devices is essential. With Mobile SEO strategies you can enhance the user experience, improve page load times, and ensure your website ranks high in mobile search results. By catering to the growing number of mobile users you can expand your audience, increase engagement, and drive more conversions. Don't miss out on the opportunities provided by the mobile revolution – unlock your mobile SEO potential and reach new heights of success.



Mobile SEO: 3 Phase Marketing
Shopify SEO: 3 Phase Marketing

Shopify SEO

Optimise your Shopify store to dominate search rankings with Shopify SEO

We can optimise your store's structure, meta tags, and product descriptions to improve visibility in search engine results. By conducting keyword research, implementing on-page SEO techniques, and leveraging Shopify's built-in SEO features, you can attract more organic traffic and drive higher conversions. Maximise the success of your Shopify store with Shopify SEO and position yourself as a leader in your industry.



SEO WordPress

WordPress SEO made easy: maximise your site's potential

Take control of your WordPress site's success with WordPress SEO and unlock the power of search engine optimisation to maximise your site's potential. With user-friendly plugins, customisable permalinks, and optimised SEO content writing, you can improve your site's visibility and attract more organic traffic. From optimising meta tags to improving site speed and mobile responsiveness, WordPress SEO makes it easy to enhance your site's performance and climb the search engine rankings. Maximise the potential of your WordPress site with WordPress SEO and achieve remarkable online success.



WordPress SEO: 3 Phase Marketing

Our service values

Ethical and white-hat practices

We adhere to ethical SEO practices, following search engine guidelines and best practices, always avoiding black-hat techniques that could potentially harm your online reputation. We are focused on long-term results that are not only effective but sustainable.

Continuous learning

 SEO is an ever-evolving field. Ensuring we stay up to date with all the latest industry trends, algorithm changes, and emerging technologies is something we do on a regular basis. We are continuously educating, training and upskilling to provide cutting-edge SEO services.

Customised strategies

We recognise that each client has unique needs, so we work to customise your strategies accordingly, conducting thorough research and analysis to develop tailored SEO campaigns that address specific challenges and capitalise on your strengths.

Collaboration and partnership

Fostering a collaborative environment with our clients by working closely with you to understand your business goals, aligning SEO strategies with their overall marketing efforts, and providing ongoing support and guidance to ensure all needs and goals are met.

Data-driven insights

By leveraging data analytics and SEO tools we gather valuable insights about websites, competitors, and target audiences. We can utilise this data to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and drive continuous improvements.

Exceptional customer service

Providing exceptional customer service throughout the engagement process is one of our top priorities. Being responsive, attentive, and accessible to address any queries, concerns, or issues promptly is something we pride ourselves on. Building long-term relationships based on trust, reliability, and excellent service delivery is something we strive for.



Clients: 3 Phase Marketing

170 + Successful clients

Frequently asked questions

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It involves optimising websites and its content to then improve its overall visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal of SEO is to attract organic (non-paid) traffic and increase the chances of generating leads or conversions.

SEO is crucial for businesses because it helps increase online visibility, drives organic traffic, and improves brand credibility. By ensuring your page appears higher in search engine rankings, you will have a much better chance of attracting potential customers and outperforming competitors in the digital landscape.

As SEO is a long-term strategy, the time it takes to see results can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the competitiveness of keywords, the current state of the website, and the effectiveness of the SEO strategies employed. Generally, it can take several months to start seeing significant improvements in rankings and organic traffic. However, once we start seeing results they are long-lasting and sustainable.

We offer a comprehensive range of SEO services, including website audits, keyword research, on-page optimisation, content creation, link management, technical SEO, local SEO, mobile optimisation, SEO strategy development, and ongoing monitoring and reporting.

At 3PM we ensure we stay up-to-date with all the latest SEO trends and algorithms through continuous learning, attending industry conferences and webinars, participating in professional communities, and regularly monitoring reputable SEO resources and publications. Our team is dedicated to staying informed and adapting our strategies accordingly.

We use a combination of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of our SEO campaigns. These include organic traffic growth, keyword rankings, conversion rates, engagement metrics, and revenue or ROI improvements. We provide regular reports to our clients detailing the progress and results achieved.

Our process typically begins with a thorough website audit to identify areas for improvement. We then conduct comprehensive keyword research, optimise on-page elements, improve site structure and navigation, create valuable SEO content, build high-quality backlinks, and monitor the site’s performance. We will always customise the process based on each client’s specific needs and goals.

Yes, we offer local SEO services. We specialise in optimising websites to rank well in local search results, targeting specific geographic areas. Our local SEO strategies include optimising Google My Business profiles, creating location-specific content, managing online reviews, and building local citations.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of mobile optimisation in today’s mobile-centric world. We employ responsive SEO web design techniques, optimise page load times, improve mobile user experience, and ensure that your website is fully accessible and functional across various mobile devices.

Yes, we provide ongoing SEO maintenance and support to ensure the continued success of our client’s SEO campaigns. This includes regular monitoring, performance analysis, making necessary adjustments, and keeping up with algorithm updates to maintain or improve search engine rankings.

Yes, we can provide references and case studies of previous SEO clients upon request. These examples can demonstrate the effectiveness of our SEO strategies and the results we have achieved for our clients.

We strive to effectively communicate with clients during the SEO process, provide regular progress updates, set realistic expectations, and explain strategies clearly. Addressing client queries and concerns promptly, while fostering open communication channels to build strong relationships and deliver successful SEO outcomes is something we can guarantee.

Supercharge your online presence with our expert SEO services - get started today!

Expert insights: discover our team's top SEO blog posts for effective digital marketing strategies

Google Update Impact on SEO Traffic: 3 Phase Marketing

Google SGE 2024: Impact on SEO & Traffic

Google has 8.5 billion searches a day. This shows that millions of people around the globe are using Google’s search engine as their go-to source for information. So, to improve their search experience, Google has launched its Search Generative Experience (SGE) in 2024. 

Engaging Content for SEO: 3 Phase Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Engaging Content for Your Audience

Engagement is the magic ingredient that transforms standard content into a compelling narrative that captivates the audience, inviting them to read on. In the digital age, where information overload is prevalent, the ability to grab and hold the reader’s attention is paramount. 

Blog: Google Removing Third Party Cookies: 3 Phase Marketing

Google is removing third party cookies – here is what you need to do.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2024, businesses face new challenges and opportunities. One of the pivotal shifts is the growing need for server-side tracking. 

Not ready for a full roadmap?

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