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The only 3 copywriting tips you need to guarantee high engagement

Whether you sell feather boas or car tyres, you need good copy. But if you’re not a professional copywriter, how can you ensure your copy converts? Is it really possible to transform casual readers into loyal customers through killer copy? [Spoiler alert: hell yes].

What is copywriting?

Copy just means words designed to sell something. That means Harry Potter isn’t copy, it’s fiction. A movie script isn’t copy. Winnie The Pooh isn’t copy.

Copy is found everywhere. It’s in Facebook ads, Instagram captions, on billboards, TV commercials, email newsletters and more. It can be spoken or written, and its purpose is to get people to take action. Copywriters get people to think, feel or respond to words in a certain way [usually by persuading them to engage with a brand and make a purchase].

Is it too late to start copywriting for your business?

Would your business have benefitted from awesome copy five years ago? Probably. But look, you can’t change the past, so the best time to start improving your copy is right now. And it’s easier than you think. It doesn’t have to involve a perfect grasp of noun phrases and modifiers – it’s about communicating in a way that really resonates with your perfect customer and gets them to take action.

Whether you decide to hire a professional copywriter through an agency like 3PM, or choose to do it yourself [DIY], it’s important to know the basics. Here are our top three copywriting tips to help you grow your business:

Get their attention

In 2020, news consumption was up 36%, streaming service content consumption was up 27% and social media usage was up 21% [worldwide]. That means, with all the content people are being shown, you might only have a few seconds to grab their attention and make an impact. So how is that possible? 

Good copywriting leads with a captivating hook. A knockout headline that makes it impossible for them to look away. Founder of Ogilvy & Mather and advertising legend David Ogilvy built a multimillion-dollar company and created successful campaigns for Rolls Royce, Dove, Shell [and soooo many more].

His most famous quote about copywriting was, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” Basically, when you write a great headline, you’ll get a customer’s attention and increase the likelihood of a conversion [yay].

Attention-grabbing headlines promise to solve a problem, convey a sense of urgency and offer something of value to the reader. Whether it’s an email subject line or a website headline – make it attention-grabbing and you’ll be winning.

Find [and use] your voice

The tone and style of your copy should convey who you really are as a business. It shouldn’t be long-winded and formal if you’re a fun, light-hearted brand. Some businesses want to convey how hilarious they are. Some want to build trust and increase their reputation as serious professionals.

Professional copywriters take on the unique voice of your brand and create copy that really speaks to audiences in a consistent way. So how can you do it yourself? 

As with most elements of digital marketing, it’s about putting yourself in the shoes of your customer. Before you decide what your brand voice is, you need to think about what will resonate with readers. Will industry jargon scare your customers off or impress them? Will emojis be off-putting or totally relatable?

Your copy should be a conversation with your readers, rather than a chance to talk at them.

What do you want them to do?

Great copy converts because it leads customers along a clear path [aka a sales funnel]. It guides readers or listeners in a way that’s relatable, informative, authentic and focused.

Before you write any copy, think about what action you want your customer to take. What’s the purpose of the copy? When your writing lacks purpose and direction, it’ll show. A waffly blog post without structure isn’t going to keep them reading. Plan ahead, write with purpose and don’t forget to include some compelling calls to action [CTAs].

Are you ready?

These copywriting tips can be used for any kind of business, in any industry. If you’re short on time or just lack confidence in your copy, 3PM’s expert team of copywriters can help. As content marketing specialists, we know what works, what’ll tick your SEO boxes and have got all the professional tools to research your target market’s specific wants and needs. Get in touch today.



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