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5 marketing podcasts you should be listening to

Audio is currently one of the most popular forms of content and is only getting bigger by the day. Everywhere you go you’ll see people with either earbuds and headphones in consuming the latest content through their ears, from true crime to ‘The Bachelor’ recaps.

When it comes to digital marketing, there’s some good insight and information circulating in the podcast world. We know you’re too busy to hunt for the best content to consume, so we’ve curated a list of the top five marketing podcasts for you.

Take a listen wherever you get your podcasts – Youtube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts (and the list goes on)!

Image Credit: ABC Radio National / Download This Show

Download This Show

ABC Radio National’s podcast ‘Download This Show’ is presented by Marc Fennell and features a range of regular panellists in the tech field, including Claire Reilly (CNET), and Tegan Jones (Gizmodo), Ariel Bogle (ABC) and Rae Johnsoton (Junkee). Each week the show discusses everything technology, digital, social media marketing and emerging gadgets.

Each episode is bang on 28 minutes and you can expect musings and opinions on the latest happenings in the tech world from what our politicians think about tech to which emoji to use and when.

Image credit: Gary Vee

The GaryVee Audio Experience

‘The GaryVee Audio Experience’, if you haven’t guessed from the title, is by renowned marketer, Gary Vaynerchuk. This podcast is a mix of documentary style series, #AskGaryVee Show episodes, keynote speeches, digital marketing and business interviews, fireside chats and general musings from the entrepreneurial mastermind and larger than life marketing personality.

Episodes range from 6 minutes to two and a half hours and cover a range of topics from the biggest challenges for brands today to how you should stop blaming others and take full responsibility for your actions.

Gary can be polarising. You may find you either love him or you hate him – just a forewarning. 

Image Credit: The Gold Digger

The Gold Digger

‘The Gold Digger’ is fronted by online marketing expert and photographer Jenna Kutcher, who left her 9 – 5 job and created her dream entrepreneurial career. In the 20 minutes to hour-long episodes, Jenna talks about all things social media, digital marketing and business.

Usually the podcast has a weekly guest who’s an expert in their field and helps Jenna discuss the topics at play, from social media strategies to productivity hacks and inspirational stories, you’ll hear it all.

Jenna also prides these podcasts on being primarily female-oriented, fostering an open and welcoming environment (for anyone of course) to tackle your biggest goals. Personally, we’re all for a transparent and inclusive environment.


CEO and founder of Foundr Magazine Nathan Chan interviews a new entrepreneur every week on ‘Foundr’ podcast. Think, the likes of Tony Robbins, Sophia Amoruso and make-up mogul Bobbi Brown.

Episodes range from 30 minutes to an hour and you can expect to hear about pitfalls, successes, hints and tips from the entrepreneurial and marketing world’s brightest.

When you’re looking for no bullsh$t content that has been produced with a focus on building you up rather than perhaps instilling false confidence, Foundr is your top podcasting choice. 

Image Credit: Game Changers

Game Changers 

In ‘Game Changers’ Erin May Henry talks with influencers, creatives, thought leaders, and of course, entrepreneurs on their personal branding. Each episode is extremely conversational and engaging and features lots of laughs as Erin and her interviewee chat all about social influencer and branding strategy with candour and humour.

These episodes range from 30 minutes to just over an hour.

If you’re seeking support and guidance on how to develop value driven content, look no further than our award winning digital marketing agency – with a twist


Get a taste for Erin May and Game Changers by watching this video:



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