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We are industry leaders

Tamara Alaveras and Sonia Majkic are officially listed as Australia’s Top Young Entrepreneurs. The duo co-founded 3PM in 2015 and have achieved over 30 million in revenue since its inception. They've delivered over 13 billion in sales for their clients and cemented themselves as industry leaders in the digital marketing space.

Sonia & Tamara

tam circle new 2

Tamara Alaveras

Tamara is the brains and architect behind the agency’s tech ecosystem and infrastructure. Using her exceptional process, systems and execution skills, she ensures the agency consistently delivers high quality work at scale. Enabling success - of clients and the 3PM team - is at the heart of Tamara’s drive.

Sonia Majkic

Sonia is the creative visionary of 3PM. Generating innovative ideas for the agency and its clients is her superpower. Sonia is fascinated by the psychology of marketing and loves developing high level marketing strategies. When Sonia's not conjuring up strategy, she is public speaking or in the media talking about marketing.

Our management team

Passionate people make all the difference

Richard Jardine

Head of Design & Technology

Mia Kuypers

Head of Client Services

Our vision is to empower our clients to achieve MORE

Our mission

At 3PM we drive economic growth through innovative and ethical marketing strategies that help businesses reach their highest potential.

Our belief system


Customer first

We exist to serve and create a memorable customer experience


Relentless pursuit

Our unstoppable mindset means we find solutions to every problem we encounter


Enjoy life

Enjoy the journey, fall in love with the process and laugh more


Act quickly

Speed is one of our strongest muscles and we flex it often


Think big

Break out of our bubble of self-imposed limits and explore bigger and better ways


Entrepreneurial spirit

How could we do this better?