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Rapid Finance

Rapid Finance, rapid results

Facing competition from banks and dealing with market fluctuations, Rapid Finance needed help to continue profitable growth, and 3PM helped them carve out a place in the digital marketplace.

Page-one Google rankings
Increase in organic clicks
+ 0 %
Increase in organic traffic
+ 0 %

The Company

Fast & friendly finance

Rapid Finance provide small businesses with a variety of loans and financial options, including bridge and commercial real estate loans, helping small businesses make their dreams come true.

The Challenge

The importance of SEO

Already facing competition from banks, Rapid Finance was further impacted by market fluctuations caused by rising interest rates and auto stock disruptions from Covid-related factors. They needed to leverage SEO to stand out and ensure continued profitability.

The Solution

Driving traffic

Our focus was on driving traffic to the client’s website. Our primary tool was an SEO campaign, regularly checked and optimised, focused on 150 primary keywords.

The Results

Outstanding organic growth

Over a three-month period, our campaign increased organic traffic by 18% and organic clicks by 24%. Rapid Finance got to page one of Google for over 70 of our targeted keywords, dramatically increasing their visibility.

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