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Luxury retailer increases sales with custom-built landing page and campaign

The client

Our services

Who are they?

Mercedes-Benz Melbourne is an authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer and a member of LSH Auto Australia, which is the leading Mercedes-Benz passenger car retail group in Australia.


What we did

Mercedes-Benz Melbourne came to 3 Phase Marketing because they had excess stock and wanted to engage a creative team to craft a unique, effective campaign to drive foot traffic to their dealership. Through a strategic sales event campaign and landing page that was in-line with the premium look and feel of their brand, 3PM created urgency and increased purchase intent, resulting in cleared stock. The powerful messaging in the campaign was so successful that it was then unified across the eastern seaboard across four locations and three different markets.

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Mercedes-Benz Melbourne

A luxury campaign

An exceptional brand demands exceptional marketing, so when Mercedes-Benz needed support to shift excess inventory, 3PM pulled out all the stops to deliver a campaign so successful it was adopted across the Eastern Seaboard of Australia.

Increase in sales
+ 0 %
Leads Submitted in 72 hours
+ 0

The Company

The Mercedes maestros

Mercedes-Benz Melbourne is an authorised Mercedes-Benz dealer and a member of LSH Auto Australia, the largest and leading Mercedes-Benz retail group in Australia.

The Challenge

Sophisticated Urgency

Mercedes-Benz Melbourne approached 3PM to help move excess stock through a unique campaign to drive foot traffic to their dealership while maintaining a premium, luxury feel that would resonate with the target market.

The Solution

The VIP vehicle campaign

Through a VIP strategic sales event campaign and a carefully crafted landing page, we delivered high intent conversions, without compromising the premium look and feel of a Mercedes-Benz campaign.

The Results

Adopted by Other Dealers

3PM’s campaign was so effective that not only did it edliminate the dealership’s excess stock, it was then implemented across the eastern seaboard, across four locations and three different markets.

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